9th Strongest Zoan User in One Piece as of Chapter 1072

Queen is the 9th Strongest Zoan Users in One Piece as of Chapter 1072

9th Strongest Zoan User in One Piece as of Chapter 1072 is Queen. With the sobriquet “The Plague,” Queen commands respect as the third mightiest figure within the Beast Pirates, boasting the prestigious All-Star rank in the crew. Queen’s past holds an intriguing chapter with MADS, a recognized assembly known for bringing together top-tier scientists from the One Piece cosmos.

The ingestion of the Dragon-Dragon Fruit Model: Brachiosaurus significantly amplified Queen’s physical toughness and power. His body showcases high-tech modifications like laser beams and extendable limbs, an evident display of his inventive prowess and scientific understanding.

9th Strongest Zoan User in One Piece as of Chapter 1072

Queen clashed with Sanji, recognized as the third most potent fighter among the Strawhat Pirates, during the intense Wano Arc. While Queen initially seemed to control the battle, the tide swiftly turned as Sanji triggered his family’s genetic enhancements. This surge in power brought about a decisive defeat for Queen.

Even though Queen began the battle with dominance and showcased advanced capabilities, Sanji’s underlying powers ultimately overcame him. This encounter underlines the unpredictable nature of the One Piece world, where the balance of power can shift in a blink, and strategic deployment of concealed abilities often dictates the outcome of battles. Thats Make Queen The 9th Strongest Zoan User in One Piece as of Chapter 1072.